Monday, May 21, 2007

YPDR wants to stress the announcement for Research and Action Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction
Announcement: Launch of Third Round of Grants

This is an excellent initiative, and one that our members from developing regions will want to take advantage of.
For more information, scroll down this page to a posting on Research and Action Grants for DRR, or visit:
Sent to YPDR by a member:

Global Network of NGOs for Disaster Risk Reduction

Dear Colleagues,

As you are probably aware, the emerging "Global Network of NGOs for Disaster Risk Reduction" has been facilitating the development of an 'NGO position paper' for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP/DRR) (

The reasons for developing a common 'NGO position' at the GP/DRR are numerous. In particular, agreed recommendations will facilitate lobbying and advocacy efforts during the Global Platform, especially with regard to the identification of priorities for the ISDR system for 2008-2009.

The attached document is the result of several consultations with northern and southern civil society organisations, and includes the comments and feedback that have been received on the previous drafts. The document is currently being translated into other official UN languages by the ISDR secretariat and cannot be modified any further at this stage.

The aim is now to gather as much formal endorsement of this document as possible, in order to make a strong statement. Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations are encouraged to sign-up by sending their logo and the name of their organisations to no later than Friday 25 May 2007.

Please feel free to circulate this message as widely as possible..

The more signatures, the greater the impact!


Michele Cocchiglia (Mr.)

NGO Liaison Officer
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)
Chemin de Balexert 7-9, CH-1219 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 917 8840
Mob: +41 (0)76 5183 498
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 8983
Sent from YPDR members, this is an excellent initiative:

UN/ISDR Prevention Web Announces the "Golden Library":

The Global Online Library for Disaster Risk Reduction Education

MAY 15th, 2007

We are proud to announce the beginning of The "Golden" Global Online

Library for Disaster Risk Reduction Education. This new initiative of
the Global Platform ISDR Thematic Platform on Knowledge andEducation,
and UN/ISDR Prevention Web is designed to allow for global sharing and
assessment of educational materials for disaster risk reduction, in
furtherance of Priority 3 of the Hyogo Framework for Action. The
project addresses the need expressed by national actors to have access
to available material related to education and disaster risk reduction
that could be used as a reference to facilitate the inclusion of
disaster risk reduction in school curricula and public education, as
prioritized by the Education Campaign launched by ISDR in 2006.

The project is in its initial collection and design phase. The
collection began with a call for materials for public, children,
vocational and instructor education in disaster risk reduction to be
exhibited at the International Disaster Reduction Conference in Davos
in August, 2006. The response was enthusiastic. Hundreds of items;
brochures, handbooks, text books, posters, toys, games, models, DVDs,
videos, CDs in many languages were collected from 47 countries. These
materials are housed at UNESCO headquarters in Paris and are now being
catalogued with extensive "metadata" describing the materials, scanned
cover and table of contents, and bibliographies. This will be
supplemented by additional materials already collected by the ISDR
thematic Platform on Knowledge and Education.

Sadly, the existence of these materials in an exhibition or a library,
does not mean that they have been put into the hands of the people
that need them, nor does it mean that they will be understood, or
effectively impact knowledge and action.

The Knowledge and Education Platform is charged with a key element of
the Hyogo Framework for Action; namely getting from dispersed
scientific / technical and indigenous knowledge, to local action at
the household, family, community, village, tribe, district, city,
regional and national levels. Everything depends on the quality of
educational materials used to communicate our messages about exactly
what measures everyone must engage in for disaster risk reduction.

The "Golden Library" is now being designed for full interactive online
access, so that users may submit new materials, and review and comment
upon any item in the collection. As far as possible, full digital
documents will be shared online. This is the first step to supporting
the many countries, projects, and communities that have nothing of
this kind. It will encourage us to build upon good practices, test our
materials, and continuously improve upon and share them.

The "Golden Library" can only be as good, and as comprehensive as YOU
make it by sharing the materials that you have and can find. Please
take the initiative to make this link!

PLEASE send your digital copy submissions (esp. PDF files) to:

PLEASE your hard copy (including CD and DVD) submissions to:
Marie-Lou Darricau, Library Coordinator

United Nations, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

International Environment House 2, 7-9 chemin de Balexert,
1219-Chatelaine / Geneva, Switzerland

For questions, suggestions, comments, and to contribute to the
discussion of strategies guiding educational materials development and
use, meta-data variables for cataloguing, evaluation processes and
criteria, and voluntary assistance in cataloguing and reviewing
documents please contact:

Marla Petal, Risk RED

Special Note: Due to an unfortunate small-scale disaster, the Spanish
language materials collected in Madrid in August 2006 are not
available and must be reassembled. The collection from Africa and the
Middle East is barely begun. Your support is much appreciated.
OAEM launches opportunity to match students with prospective employers

The Ontario Association of Emergency Managers (OAEM) has launched another
online service for our members – an opportunity to match students
interested in gaining practical experience in the field of emergency
management with prospective employers.

Students who wish to gain experience in the field of emergency management
can offer their services for potential employers to hire them – on a
part-time, full-time summer, or field placement basis – by simply
registering and posting their information on OAEM's website under the
password protected Members section in a special Student Employment
Availability Registration form developed for this purpose. Information
tracked on this form includes name, location, educational institution and
program enrolled in, status, special interests, experience and special
skills, and availability.

The data will then become part of a list of available students, posted on
the same OAEM member-only site, from which interested employers can choose.
Employers interested in hiring a student with emergency management training
will be able to review the Student Employment Availability List online and
request the contact information for particular students from OAEM.

OAEM's Education Chair is responsible for maintaining the information on
available students and providing the data to interested employers. Personal
data will only be provided at the request of a prospective employer through
an email sent to the OAEM Education Chair.

Upon hiring a student on the list, employers are asked to notify the
Education Chair so the person can be removed from the list. Students who no
longer wish to be on the list simply need to request to have their name
removed from the list by email and go back into their member's profile and
delete their record online.

For more information on this initiative, check out our website at and/or contact OAEM's Education Chair Vladimir Machlis
Research and Action Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction
Announcement: Launch of Third Round of Grants

The ProVention Consortium is pleased to announce the launch of the 2007-2008 Research & Action Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction. Students and young professionals from developing countries are invited to propose creative projects and innovative ideas for support. Please assist us by passing this message on to young disaster risk reduction champions (staff in non-governmental, government and private sector, graduate students, recent graduates) in developing countries!

The Research and Action Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction programme is designed to engage enthusiastic young students and professionals in developing countries in creating innovative links between research and action in disaster risk reduction. Applicants are invited to seek ways to cut across professional disciplines and to exchange knowledge and engage stakeholders from scientific and academic, civilian, public and private sectors. Information about previous rounds of grants is available at

If you think that you have a project that will bridge the gap between knowledge and action in disaster risk reduction, and make your country, region, city or district safer - please apply. You may solve an urgent problem or document valuable lessons to be learned in the field; apply and test findings in a new physical, socio-political or cultural context; delve into subjects ignored by researchers in other places; or learn how to scale-up action, change policy, or link disaster risk reduction to other themes like urbanisation or climate adaptation.

A Request for Proposals will be issued on June 1, 2007. Proposals are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following thematic focus areas:
- Identifying enabling factors and incentives for disaster risk reduction
- Developing mechanisms to strengthen community resistance and resilience
- Applying local risk analysis and risk management (especially for schools and hospitals)
- Improving education materials and curricula
- Promoting risk reduction in response and recovery activities
- Engaging the private sector in disaster risk reduction (especially micro-enterprises)
- Linking climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts.

Eligibility & Requirements: Applicants and up to 2 additional team members must be under 35 years of age at the time of application, and must be citizens of a developing country (low to middle income: Each project should also have a host organisation and mentor. The team leader, host organisation and mentor should be based in the country where the project will be conducted. Preference will be given to projects involving 2 or 3 team members from different disciplines, engaging different sectors (academic, public, NGO or community, private), and coached by mentors from more than one field or sector.

- Request for Proposals will be available on: June 1, 2007
- Deadlines for proposal submission: July 15th, 2007 (earlier submissions are encouraged)
- Research and Action Grants Award Announcement: September 28th, 2007
- Project Implementation Phase: October 15th, 2007 - July 15th, 2008 (9 months)
- Project Dissemination Phase: July 15th - October 15th, 2008 (3 months)

Grant Amount: $5,000 maximum per project.

Partners: The Research and Action Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction was launched by the ProVention Consortium in 2003, under the name "Applied Research Grants Programme". It is administered in association with the University of Wisconsin Disaster Management Center with regional partners: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; University of Cape Town Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme; Secretariate General, The Latin American Social Science Faculty ; and Bogaziçi University Center for Disaster Management.

To receive an email with the Request for Proposal, following June 1, 2007, please write to: or download the request for proposal online at:

Sent to YPDR by:

ProVention Consortium Secretariat
P.O.Box 372
1211 Geneva 19